luni, 18 februarie 2008

Spot A Poker Bluff Online In Five Ways

Bluffing in poker is part of the game, but if you have taken advantage of the numerous poker bonus offers available online you will want to know how to spot it when it occurs. Here are five of the easiest to spot bluffing techniques used by online poker’s most consistent fibbers.1. The person bluffing frequently uses the room’s “chat option” and believes it will work to his advantage. He may encourage you to go all-in even if he may not have anything in his hand. If you play a game with the table chatterbox, pay close attention to what they do rather than what they say. Are they busy raising pots while openly complaining about having no decent cards, only to show down with an AQ suited? In all likelihood they are using the chat feature to help them bluff.2. If a player pre-flop raises and the flop doesn’t reveal much, such as a 3-3-9 and they re-raise instantly, you may be against an opponent trying to bluff all the way to the river. Before you call, you should be confident you can take the pot with the cards you are holding.3. The player with the lowest chip stack goes all-in with absolutely nothing you can see as an immediate threat. It is likely they are bluffing and thinking “it’s now or never” to get themselves back into the game.4. A player who bets confidently on the flop and then checks on the turn needs to justify himself with chips. If you have a good hand, be self assured and don’t give them any free bets, make them bet some more chips.5. You may be up against a really loose

Not Truths!-Myths

Most games are shrouded by certain myths – misconceptions that drive people away. There are a few myths about poker games too, especially when the game in question is Omaha. A lot of people shy away from this game because they assume the myths to be true.
One of the biggest myths about Omaha is that it is a complicated game. One agrees that all games have different levels of complexity. However, when you compare Omaha and another very similar game Texas Hold’em, you would find that Omaha is much easier to play. Texas Hold’em is characterized by its unpredictability and randomness that arise from the fact that no single player has a significant advantage. Usually in Omaha, you rarely play a hand head-up on the flop. Moreover, if there are three or more players in a pot, one among them will have a clear advantage over the rest or more than one player might have a strong hand. Additionally, any bet from any of the players can win the pot on a bluff. And Omaha has a lot more ways to connect with the flop.
Quite often, Omaha hands involve analyzing the possibilities of winning all or a part of the pot. It comes down to manipulation of the pot size through your bets. However, uncertain situations do emerge in Omaha. Nevertheless, right play in these situations can help you win. And this is precisely why good players manage to win most of the time. Most of this game’s situations involve calculating one’s ‘outs’ or in simpler terms, counting the cards that make your hand and representing them as a percentage. Although there are occasional tough situations, Omaha games are usually simple.
Another common myth about Omaha is that starting hands run close in their value. This can sound very ridiculous to players who play this game regularly. The reason for this myth can be traced to the fact that Omaha hands played head-up are similar in their dominating nature to the AA against A7 in hold’em. As a situational consequence, you would be forced to liberally defend a big blind against a single raiser in case you have a reasonable hand. This will offer you right pot equity. However, this doesn’t mean hands run close together in their value. An A23K will always be better than J965.
You can believe in myths and not play Omaha or ignore these misconceptions and play one of the most exciting games in Poker. The ultimate choice is yours. A myth need not be true always and in this case, it definitely isn’t.

duminică, 17 februarie 2008

Value Of Position In Poker

In Texas Hold’em, the value of position is quite obvious. As a player, you want your opponents to decide before you so that you can have the final say. In Hold’em, no player has an absolute advantage over the rest. The decisions you take are based on any little advantage that you get to outplay others to win the pot. Although a superior position by itself can’t help you win a game, it can certainly help you make better bets. It is the familiarity of the situation that gives you the edge over your opponents.
Position in Texas Hold’em is a simple concept. If there are two players in a pot, you would want to be the last. You always have a positional advantage when you are seated first or second behind a maniac, or in front of him. All good players have a tendency of playing more hands in a late position and far less hands when they are in an early position.
Position in Seven Card Stud and Stud High-Low is different from Hold’em. Here, positional advantage tends to vary. The highest board showing acts first, starting from fourth street. Hence, if a king high bets first on fourth street, another player with an ace or pairs deuces might act first on fifth street. You might still have an advantage over the player to your immediate right. However, positional considerations in stud games are not as simplistic as in Hold’em. Some hands are more playable if you are not the high hand, while representing a hand is a lot more important when you act first. Certain hands can be played more aggressively if another player shows a king or ace, which means they are more likely to be forced to act first all through the hand.
The greatest difference in positional advantage is between Omaha HiLo and Holdem. If you are seated last you have some general advantages, but there are certain disadvantages too. For example, if you are bluffing from the last position, you are committing suicide against good players. You just cannot bluff when you are in the last position. Middle position is the most important bluffing position in Omaha, but it is rarely advantageous in Holdem.
Positional advantage is a key skill that Hold’em players need to develop when they are looking to move to other games. Position offers you significant advantages in a game, so do not trivialize it.

With Poker Tells Be Careful

One of the crucial skills required in poker is that of bluffing – the ability to make your opponents believe that you have a much stronger hand than you actually have and inducing them to fold. It follows that the skill should also include the ability to tell when your opponent is bluffing. The proverbial poker face is quite rare. Expert player can discern tell tale signs made by their opponents. These signs reveal what the opponents think of their own hands.

Consider the following scenario. A player knows that his index finger twitches when he bluffs. On two occasions he bluffs with a weak hand. The opponents observe the finger twitching and realise that it is a tell. Then some time later he gets a good hand. He induces the finger to twitch. The opponents think he is bluffing and keep betting. The player makes a killing. The seeds of doubt are sown. Next time the finger twitches the opponents will not know if it is a real tell or an induced tell.
This is precisely what happened in the 2006 version of Casino Royale. James Bond identifies a tell in Le Chiffre’s behaviour. But Bond reckons that Le Chiffre is too seasoned a player to have a tell and thinks that Le Chiffre is bluffing with a weak hand. Bond bets to the hilt and gets cleaned out. Bond, being Bond, gets a buy back in and beats Le Chiffre the second time round.
There have been other movies that revolve around tells in poker games. David Mamet’s House of Games (1987) is a class example. A gambler called Billy visits an eminent psychologist Margaret. He is in danger of being killed by a gangster Mike to whom he owes money. Billy takes Margaret to Mike, who offers to waive Billy’s debt if Margaret accompanies him to a poker game and read his rival’s tell. Margaret’s professional instincts are aroused and she agrees. While the game is on she is sure that she has identified the tell. In a later deal she asks Mike to go all out and even funds him with $6000 of her own. As expected she loses. Later she finds out that all this was a con, including Billy’s visit to her clinic. Rounders, a 1998 movie revolves entirely around poker. In the climax, the protagonist Mike needs to win a large some of money quickly from a KGB agent. Mike identifies the agent’s tell and is up $60000 but needs to win much more. He informs the KGB agent that he has read his tell. This infuriates the KGB agent and put him in a state that poker players call a “tilt”. The player then is incapable of playing rationally. In the last deal Mike holds an 8 and 9, while the flop is 6, 7 and 10. Mike slow pedals his bets and goads the JGB agent into wagering his entire bankroll. Thereby Mike wins in grand style.

vineri, 15 februarie 2008

To Poker Lovers

If you are a poker lover you want to learn more about poker:strategies,tricks, and moves .This is the assurance that, once he enters a poker website or sits in a poker table, he would go home with a lot of cash in his pocket.
It takes some considerable time before you could actually be a poker expert. You could actually learn the mechanics of the game in a matter of minutes. But to really master the game, that may take a lifetime. So, you need all the help that you can get. You have to study and practice hard.

There are a lot of ways that you can do in order to learn all the strategies in winning a poker game. Poker comes in many forms. So, it may take you your whole lifetime to master all the poker games, but devoting your time to one game could help you start the ball rolling.

In order to learn poker, nothing beats actually playing the game. You could start with free poker games online. You could also spend some time watching others play. You can try some online poker rooms, the TV, or local home games. You don’t have to actually play or sit-in since all you have to do is observe. You could also try reading poker articles in order to learn strategies and tips.

Once you know all the game rules, you can then start improving and honing your strategies. One of the best ways to learn strategies is to read poker articles online. These articles are great sources of poker tips. These are usually written by poker experts and professionals who have also written books on poker.A poker article may not have all the tips that you need, but if you keep on reading articles, you can learn a lot about the dynamics of the poker game. The fact is that poker is a strategic mind game, so reading poker articles will help you have a different outlook. Getting a different perspective or looking at the game from a different angle might help you improve your game and win the pot. In truth, reading poker articles does not just benefit a newbie or an amateur poker player, it also benefits seasoned players. Do not think that you know everything about poker; there are still so many things to learn.


joi, 14 februarie 2008

Learn How To Play at Home Casino Games

I am simply amazed at the amount of people I see at the casino who are willing to plunk down their hard earned money on games that they haven’t a clue how to play. The same people who will comparison shop, clip coupons or drive across town to save a few cents on a gallon of gas, will sit at a blackjack table and bet $25 a hand without knowing basic strategy. I often wonder why they don't bother to learn the game before they play.

There once was a time when visitors to the casino had limited resources available to help them learn to play the games. I started my casino education back in the “Stone Age”. It was somewhere around 10 BC. That’s BC in Before Computers. I don’t mean that computers weren’t invented, (I’m not THAT old) however the personal computer was barely affordable and all of the software programs were business related.
When I first learned basic strategy for blackjack, I used hand-printed flashcards that I made. I would put the player's hand on one side and the rule for the hand on the other side. I would sit and practice for hours until I knew all the strategy rules by heart and could recite them instantly. It was very efficient, but also very boring. Things have changed drastically since those days.
Over the last few years with the rapid growth of personal computers, more and more gambling software has been developed. The software ranges from fun games with no educational value, to some really powerful training programs. Games that require strategy and decision making on the part of the player can be practiced at home with the use of the software programs. These games include Blackjack, Video Poker and live poker. Even software for games such as craps, and roulette can be helpful in teaching you the mechanics of the game. Now learning to play a casino game can be as easy as sitting down in front of your computer in the comfort of your own home. Well, almost.
Actually you will need a little more than software to learn to play a casino game. I recommend what I call the Three-Step approach to learning a casino game at home. The three steps for learning to play casino games are: reading, watching and practicing.
The Cost How expensive is it to visit the casino and constantly lose money because you don't know how to play the game correctly? All education comes with a price. Getting your education betting real money at a gaming table can be a lot more expensive that the price of a book and software program. Many good gambling books cost less than twenty dollars. Videotapes and DVDs can cost you another thirty dollars. The price of tutorial software varies depending on the casino game and the sophistication of the program. There are good programs that range from thirty to a hundred dollars. You start can start learning at home for around $100. You will save this much money by playing correctly during future visits to the casino.

The Three Steps

Step One- Reading.
Every player who sits down at a gaming table to play any casino game should have read at least one book on that particular game. A player who buys chips and starts to play a game without the knowledge of how the game is played is like a hunter who purchases a gun and heads out on Safari without any knowledge of the animal he is hunting. The results can be disastrous. There are many good books by reputable authors that can teach you the basics of the games. Many of the writers who contribute to this magazine have books that will give you accurate information and show you how to play the game correctly.
Spend some time reading the book. Gambling books are not novels that you zip through to get to the ending. When you are finished you will want practice the game on the computer and then go back and read the book again.

There will be situations that come up while playing that you will have questions about. Looking up the answers in the book will help you remember the answer the next time the situation arises.
Step Two- Watching Watching videotapes can help teach you the mechanics of the game. You will actually see how the game is dealt and the bets are made so you will be familiar with the procedures and protocols when you sit down at table. Videotapes can help reinforce what you have read and perhaps clear up any questions by visually showing you how the game is played. Although not as common as books, I have found videos for most of the casino games. Some of my favorite books are listed in the sidebar. A large selection of casino game videos can also be found in the free catalog from The Gamblers Book Shop in Las Vegas. (800-5522-17777)
Step Three – Practicing With the availability of tutorial software you can now practice and play at home to sharpen your skills before you go to the casino. Learning to play casino games at home on the computer is fun as well as educational. You are getting the enjoyment of playing the game so it doesn't feel like you are actually "studying" to learn the game. Most human beings are a little sensitive to criticism. Let’s face it we don't like to be corrected and have our mistakes pointed out to us all the time. If you had someone watching over your shoulder while you played and pointed out every mistake you made you would either give up trying to learn or worse yet resort to some kind of physical violence directed at that person. A computer takes any human emotions out of the learning processes. There is no embarrassment when the computer beeps and alerts you to a mistake you just made. It’s impersonal and you take it all in stride and carry on. Playing and practicing at home will teach you the proper strategy and help build your confidence. Once you have your mistakes down to a minimum you will be ready to play in the casino.
Learning to play casino games at home is fun and profitable. While I can’t guarantee that you will be a winner, following this advice will improve your chances.

You can learn to play casino games properly at home before you risk our money in a live game. Learning to play casino games at home is fun and it will help you cut the house edge when you visit the casino.

Play Poker.Reasons

You may be curious why so many people are finding poker so entertaining and engrossing. People play online poker on the weekdays, watch televised poker after work and go play poker at some casino on the weekends. Poker has definitely taken the world by storm.
There are various reasons for poker’s pervasive popularity. Poker has definitely taken the world by storm.
There are various reasons for poker’s pervasive popularity. These reasons vary by individual to individual so there’s really no sure way of capturing all the possible reasons why poker’s popularity has ascended to its current height. However, I have endeavored to make a list of some of the most probable reasons that people have for enjoying poker so much.

Entertainment Value

Of all the reasons, this may be the most common. Poker has wonderful entertainment value, both to the poker players and to the poker followers.
People play poker because it is fun and it challenges them. Poker is a game that requires great concentration and a lot of street smarts. Lose your concentration or play unwisely and you lose your money. The thrill of betting money and the danger of losing money can be a powerful elixir to people who are constantly on the lookout for challenges or for people who enjoy living on the edge.
People watch poker because it is highly entertaining to predict how poker players are going to play a certain hand. It is also very entertaining to second guess poker pros. Watching poker professionals at play offers people an outlet for their fascination with poker without endangering their money in actual poker games.

Money Speaks

Money is and has always been a great motivator. It is no less different in poker as it is in anything else.
Some people play poker for the money it lets them win. If you are truly good at poker, you can make a living out of it as some people have already proven. Career poker players in the big leagues earn hundreds of thousands of dollars from playing and winning one poker tournament. Just think of the money one takes home when he consistently wins! The draw of this much money is enough for some to desert their stable corporate careers, move to Las Vegas and play poker for a living.
Those who do not play poker still enjoy some monetary rewards. All they do is bet on the outcome of poker tournaments, either with their friends and family or through professional bookmakers.

Bonding Benefits

Poker, as with most card games and other gambling activities, is a good way to bond with friends and family. Home-style poker games are usually played for this purpose. Buddies meet up every weekend, set up a homemade poker table, pop open some beer, and begin playing simply for the joy of playing with each other and for the chance to play catch up.
Poker can also act as a bond among people who did not know each other previously. Constantly meeting up with other players at a poker table can promote more than competition but also friendship. Of course, these social benefits are more apparent at low limit poker tables. Greater stakes aren’t very conducive to social bonding and friendships.